Joseph Sensenbrenner Case Study

Improved Essays
Joseph Sensenbrenner transformed the way the city of Madison, Wisconsin operated their daily activities when it came to how the city was being run because he focused on quality and productivity rather than the business approach
Becoming a mayor of a major city is a sometimes difficult position because there are decisions that have to made daily and there will be those within the city council who will at times oppose the upcoming changes that will be made.

Joseph Sensenbrenner was the mayor of Madison, Wisconsin from 1983 to 1989, used different approaches to fixing the city’s problem that plagued the city from being a great place to live for all of its citizens. Sensenbrenner decided to use the philosophies of Deming, Juran, and Crosby to change the way the city was being operated he then started looking
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The Crosby’s Zero Defects Theory of quality management can greatly improve the service that the Government provides because if used correctly the person in a leadership position would follow the theory of getting the job right the first time avoiding wasting time and money the second time. (Evans,2016,p60)
The Government can follow Crosby’s four absolutes of Quality Management process to produce a better outcome when it comes to providing service to individuals who may need assistance from them. Using Crosby’s theory of preventing poor quality with the use of the four absolutes will give the user, such as the government a chance to focus their attention on conformity to standards,the system for causing quality prevention,zero defects, and the measurement of quality, all of which can help improve the way an organization operates on a daily

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