Jefferson Looking Ahead Analysis

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“Looking Ahead”
1. How successful was Jefferson’s effort to create a “republican” society dominated by sturdy, independent farmers?
As a Republican, he wanted to help American citizens, especially farmers to receive education. In the begging of 1800 America increased from nine colleges and universities to twenty-one. To continue with this idea, Jefferson wanted the country to be more involved with medicine and science, thus the first American medical school is from the University of Pennsylvania. Jefferson, wanted to limit federal government power, and allow states to have more power. Overall, his goals were not successful to promote education due to the fact, women could not receive the same amount of education as men. The other reason is
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Brinkley states, “British claimed the right to stop and search American merchant ships (although at first non naval vessels) and reimpress deserters (203).” Americans did not understand why the British believed they had to the right to check America’s ships, if Britain no longer controls America. One of example of this is the Chesapeake-Leonard incident of the summer of 1807, which American commander, James Barron, did not want the British to check their ship, and the British fired the Americans, and Barron had to surrender. The British would also claim naturalized Americans born on British soil, or in other words, if an American couple has a child on British land, that infant would be British citizens. Later, in the same year, Jefferson did not allow British warships to enter American waters to decrease conflict. Another event that occurred was “the Embargo”, which prohibited the Americans ships to leave the U.S. for any foreign/trade ports around the world. The British were only making America more furious. Before the ending of Jefferson’s presidency, he put in place the “peaceable coercion”, which allowed the Americans to trade, but not include Great Britain and France. In 1810, expired this act and established trade to all nations. Rule/emperor of France, Napoleon, decided to not be involved of trade with the Americans. James Madison declared embargo against Great Britain, if the British lowered restrictions on American Shipping. The result of trade, claiming people, and checking ships caused the War of

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