Buddhism Moral Values

Improved Essays
Moral values are not just motivation based on ideas and actions about right and wrong, but are socially conditioned by the society and culture which people live. Moral values allow individuals to claim their personal actions or events based on conscience and experience on what is good, evil, right, wrong, and how others things that ought to be in our society. They also encourage us to live in integrity, to live merciful, and to live comfortably. Moral values are different from culture to culture and are being widely accepted and challenged by people within their society. Some values refer to how one should act such as—being honest, being unselfish, and self-disciplined. While other values refer to what one wants to accomplish or obtain in life …show more content…
Surprisingly, Buddhism derived from dissatisfaction with the Hindus religious system. According to Huston Smith, “The religious teachings in India were corrupt, degenerate, irrelevant, matted with superstition and burdened with worn out rituals—now came the Buddha, determined to clear the ground that truth might be find new life” (Crook 18). The Buddha’s religion encourages perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger, and other afflicting states. All of this can be summarized in the “Four Nobles Truth” as …show more content…
Religions play a crucial role in our society and develop many right and wrong system of ethics to people who are religious based and not from a religious background. For instance, we have on still ongoing debates about controversial topics such as—homosexuality, gay marriage, providing assistance to poorer nations, gender roles of man and woman in the bible, woman being submissive, abortions of unburned babies, human cloning, and capital punishment. Religion serves as a vital phenomenon that recognizes human life and culture at any given time or place. The contemporary study of religion contributes to certain kinds of behaviors or actions that are both acceptable and unacceptable in our society’s ethical and legal system. Religion does not only help us to understand our own religious beliefs and system, but also to appreciate and respect many cultures, faiths, and worldviews of numerous people around the world. Thus, moral values are conditioned in our society by a plethora of social factors and

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