Examples Of Rebellion In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Rebellion is the act of resisting or defying any authority, control, or tradition. In the texts A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare and Sammy & Juliana in Hollywood by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, the theme of rebellion is presented throughout the stories. For example, the characters in these texts rebel against higher powers and societal norms in order to achieve personal goals. Rebellion against higher powers is a common theme presented in the texts. For example, in S&J, the narrator, Sammy, is orchestrating a sit-in in order to change the dress code when he thinks to himself, “They were all sitting in a circle. And they were all holding up sheets of paper that read: CHANGE THE DRESS CODE! But they didn't say a word. Just like we …show more content…
For example, in S&J, Sammy and Mrs. Apodaca are in a midst of an argument over Sammy's relationship with Juliana when Mrs. Apodaca says, ” ’I can see that. Everyone can see that. She's not what your mother would want for you ’... ’You're a good boy. ’” And Sammy responds, ” ’No, I'm not ’” (Saenz 34). In the quote, Sammy is rebelling against Mrs. Apodaca's (Society's) view on relationships by arguing with her and afterwards remaining in a relationship with Juliana. Society believes ´good boys´ like Sammy should not associate with ´bad girls´ like Juliana, but Sammy believes otherwise, so he rebels. Similarly, in A Midsummers Night's Dream, as the characters converse about whom Hermia shall wed, Theseus states, ” ’Be advised, fair maid./To you, your father should be as god,/...To whom you are but as a form in wax/By him imprinted, and within his power/To leave the figure or disfigure it./Demetrius is a worthy gentlemen. ’” To which Hermia responds, ” ’So is Lysander ’ ” (I.i.49-56). According to Theseus, in Athens, it is normal in society for the daughter to be considered property of her father. The father should be able to do anything with her as he wish. Even after Theseus insists that Hermia agree with her father and wed Demetrius, she rebels by responding that Lysander is as worthy as he is. In both texts, the characters rebel against societal norms for personal

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