Essay On Mayflower Compact

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You know most of the phrases or words in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution are the same as documents before these but they changed the phrases or words to match what we wanted. Some of them like the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut both talked about government; while the cartoon “Join, or Die” and The Problem of Colonial Union is about trying to unite the colonies. There are some differences between these documents because some of them were not written for the same purpose or to achieve a certain goal. Even though, all the documents have similarities and differences that made them the same and different in their own ways; they all had one goal, which was to unite the colonies to make living in the New World better for every single colony and to fight against the British. Presumably, the colonies did not unify until the start of the Revolutionary War and it was important that they did unify. …show more content…
In these two documents, both documents were written in the New England colonies and they wanted to establish a government for them to follow and listen to. Religion played a huge part in both of these document because either they wanted to escape from a religion or they wanted to create a new religion. The Mayflower Compact was different from the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut because the compact was an agreement between the Pilgrims to make sure that the colony was successful. On the other hand, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was more of a constitution and they had laws that they had to follow. However, they both showed signs of unity; the Mayflower Compact showed unity by the Pilgrims agreeing to the Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut also showed unity by people leaving the Massachusetts Colony to go from their own colony and do things that they wanted to do with their

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