Arguments Against Mate Selection Theory

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Marriage is a verbal, spiritual, and political bond which formerly ties to adults together forming a couple. Many factors play into having a happy and successful marriage but couples can stem from different backgrounds and beliefs, which sometimes do not form a loving relationship. There are different theories on mate selection which may help answer some questions as to why one relationship is more likely to last than another. Gender differences emotional responses and communication also seem to play a role as to whether or not a couple will last.
Evolutionary theory focuses on survival of the species being the supporting evidence behind mate selection. Human mating is a selective process which relies on key traits their gender seeks in a potential
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The stability of a couple partly depends on how they handle conflict. Validating couples show one another respect even when they do not agree they listen to one another creating a stable healthy relationship conflict. Volatile couples tend to argue because they do not listen to each other. This relationship is still stable because they have more positive than negative moments with one another. Some couples are avoidant so when they disagree they tend to not discuss the matter with one another to minimize the chance of conflict. Even this sort of couple can be a stable relationship due to the problems being simply ignored. Unsuccessful marriages typically stem from hostile / engaged and hostile / detached couples. Hostile engaged couples argue frequently and their relationship lacks humor and affection. It is critical for a couple to enjoy each other to be happy in their relationship. Hostile detached couples fight on a regular basis and show no affection or support they typically do not even look at one another. The problems can be simple but after a period of bad conflict resolution they may chose to end the

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