Education is highly valued in society and especially to the students who are earning an education. With these values, comes important decision-making and these decisions are conflicted by our morals. To know right from wrong is a learning behavior that is taught to us as adolescents by our guardians and educators. Morals are not acquired at birth but are learned through society and environment. This is the main reason the education system is built to emphasize the importance of honesty in the classroom. As students become more educated and earn higher levels of schooling, certain things become expected of us but even college level courses continuously remind us about these
Education is highly valued in society and especially to the students who are earning an education. With these values, comes important decision-making and these decisions are conflicted by our morals. To know right from wrong is a learning behavior that is taught to us as adolescents by our guardians and educators. Morals are not acquired at birth but are learned through society and environment. This is the main reason the education system is built to emphasize the importance of honesty in the classroom. As students become more educated and earn higher levels of schooling, certain things become expected of us but even college level courses continuously remind us about these