Why Is Diabetes Increased In Prevalence?

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Diabetes is a serious disease which affects the body’s ability to create the right amount of insulin that it needs to increase the levels of glucose in the blood. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey is a program that is designed to evaluate adults and children’s nutritional status across the United States. Most of all, this program is used to determine the popularity of certain diseases such as diabetes and the main causes of the disease. The reason why diabetes has been increasing in prevalence is because of several different reasons, for example, obesity and inactive lifestyle. Another reason why diabetes has increased in prevalence is that a great amount of African Americans in the population are not eating healthy, mostly, because they are a low income family and they cannot afford most foods or nutritious meals that are healthier for …show more content…
“Compared to the general population, 13.2 % of African Americans are disproportionately affected by diabetes, and in addition, they are 1.7 times more likely to have diabetes as non-Hispanic whites” Treatment and Care for African Americans. (n.d.). The mortality rate of diabetic patients is higher than the normal population due to other diseases such as cardiovascular disease. The main reason for this was to correctly pinpoint the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in concern with diabetes with the intention of better direct and monitor health actions. When it comes to the over-all increase in prevalence in diagnosed diabetes, it is primarily associated with family history of diabetes, obesity, lack of physical activity and

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