Why College Is Valuable

Improved Essays
Why College is valuable.
High School is a lot of your education, if you don't do good, you won't have the best chances of getting into a good college. If you don't go to a good college you won't get a good education, if you don't get proper education, you won't get a good job. Without a proper job money could be an issue, and money is an absolute necessity when living on your own. College is important because one can become closer with their family, have a better job, and become more wealthy in life. If you want to have kids, and be a close family, I recommend you go to college. If you have a family and a college educations, you are more likely to be a close family. In the video Five Ways Ed Pays, they talk about ways you could be closer with your family. They stated that “if you have a college education, you are 66% more likely going to read to your children.” (Five Ways Ed Pays) Reading to your children is important because it can help develop their literacy skills earlier. (University of Michigan) If you've got a college education, you are ⅔ more likely to take your family to live shows, such as plays and concerts. “Theatre and drama enable children to recognise how to express themselves physically and emotionally in a healthy manner, help them understand under-develpoed parts of themselves, and assist them in putting things
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For example in the story New school year, Old story: Education Pays, they state “As the education increases, earnings rise, and unemployment rates fall” (“New school year, Old story: Education Pays”). “Their average unemployment rate was 4.4 percent. The unemployment rate decreases the longer recent grads are in the labor force” (“Career Key”). “College-educated Millennials also are more likely to be employed full time than their less-educated counterparts and significantly less likely to be unemployed, 3.8% compared to 12.2%”

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