I was definitely not one of the “popular kids”. I had plenty of friends but I wasn’t one of those girls. My friend group consisted of around 20 people, a fairly even mix of girls and guys. The friends I had were the friends I had in middle school. None were lost in the transition from “child” to “young adult”. This was one of the best parts of my first year of high school. Besides that, freshman Drew was so naïve. I knew so little about life and believed that the world was full of rainbows, unicorns, and puppies. Almost everyone is a freshman at some point in their life and I’m sure they felt the same way about the world. I cared so much about what people thought. Everyone cares what people think about them to a point, but I think I was more self-conscious than anyone ever knew. I did my makeup (not so well), straightened my hair (again, not so well), and wore jeans — yes, jeans! — almost every day. There was no such thing as a day that I was “scrubbing”. I was always in a good mood, always loud and obnoxious. I would often scream loudly, just to get people to pay attention to me. I was just like my little sister Aurora. I wanted to be the center of attention. I …show more content…
So much has changed but at the same time, so much has stayed the same. I’m now one of only sixty students in the senior class at Cameron High School. I’ve been a student here for the past three years and been through more life experiences in the past four years than anyone would have expected. The biggest changes I see in myself from my freshman year are the most noticeable. My attitude is by far the biggest change. If you knew me back in 2012, you would know what I’m talking about. I am still just as outgoing as I was back then. I used to speak my mind, but I was not nearly as honest as I am now. I still hold a lot back and bite my tongue, but I cross the line quite often. I have an “I don’t care” attitude now. I really don’t care. I come to school almost every day with no makeup, my hair in a messy bun, and wearing sweatpants. If you asked me when the last time that I had fully gotten ready for a day at school, I couldn’t tell you. Of course, I have a huge closet full of clothes but wear the same five outfits every week. My attitude has changed my whole personality. I’m loud when I talk, but I definitely don’t scream just so people will pay attention to me. I’m extremely sassy. I don’t put up with people’s crap anymore. I will state my opinion about you right to your face, with no fear or shame of what is going to happen. This might sound disrespectful, but I feel it is better to speak the truth than to just sit there