Wealth Inequality Paper

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Wealth inequality is a big parts of Americans lives, the problem is that most of us are oblivious to just how large the margin actually is. The United States has the highest degree of wealth inequality among all industrialized countries: On the Gini coefficient index of wealth equality, the United States ranks 93rd out of 134 countries (Central Intelligence Agency, 2009). We see this in policy when it comes to taxation and redistribution. In an ideal situation, the rich would be taxed at the exact rate in order to provide public goods, public insurance, and a minimum standard of living for the poor. What is culturally known as the “American dream” centers itself on the idea that anyone can pursue their dreams and make a lot of money if you …show more content…
Each participant was selected through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, a relatively new website that offers an inexpensive way to retrieve high quality data. All participants had to be an adult and a citizen of the United States. Before the test are conducted the participants were required to report their age, weight, gender, and political alignment. Each experiment tested the participant through manipulation in order to get a reaction, then had to be analyzed from Crowne and Marlowe’s Social Desirability Scale. All 6 experiments had varying amount of participants. In each experiment all the participants were placed in two groups, a control and a choice. …show more content…
The participants were told ten facts about wealth inequality in the US, then rate on a scale how disturbing the fact truley where. The control group was asked to describe five things they did throughout the day from waking up to falling asleep. The choice group was asked to name five choices they made during the four periods of the day. The results showed that those in the choice group were less disturbed by wealth inequality than those in the control group (Savani 3). That the choice group was more compliant with the idea of wealth inequality, for the had to list the choices they made rather than the control

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