Violence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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There are many different forms of violence in our world and also in the play “Romeo and Juliet”. They can be arranged in many different degrees. The third degree of violence is verbal violence or arguing and petty disputes using both words and crude gestures. This was chosen as the least severe degree of violence because, although it can often lead to worse forms of violence, it can be diffused quite quickly. The second degree of violence found both in the real world and in the play is physical violence. This violence can range anywhere from a slap to stabbing. This was ranked as the second degree of violence because I feel that broken ribs are a bit more concerning than hurt feelings. The first degree of violence is the act of ending the life of yourself or another human being. I chose this as the worst form of violence because it is one …show more content…
Throughout the world people are killed for many reasons. Some are caught up in shady business, some are killed in moments of anger, and others are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some people kill themselves which they do for various reasons. However, it is most likely because they have suffered constant bullying, often consisting of the third and second degrees of violence. These unfortunate causes of death are seen all over the pages of “Romeo and Juliet”. Romeo kills Tybalt in a duel (Act III, scene 1 lines 127-129). At the end of the play both Romeo and Juliet end their own lives (Act V, Scene 1, Lines 75-120 and 165-171). This degree of violence
As you can see, the theme of violence consistent throughout “Romeo and Juliet” is still relevant to modern society. The types of violence seen in the play, although they may be caused by different things than modern day cases, still occur today and are still a pressing problem. Violence, whether literary or real world, holds true to the same patterns throughout time with slight changes in

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