Universal Background Checks

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According to a study done by Harvard’s Deborah Azrael, “roughly 40 percent” of the share of gun holders did not go through a background check” (Masters). Having a background check is an extremely important factor when buying a gun. “When background checks are required, they are extremely effective at keeping guns out of the hands of prohibited persons” (Universal Background Checks). There are any other factors that keep guns out of the wrong hands. However today, it is possible for almost anybody to get his hand on a gun. Unlicensed dealers along with the gun show loophole can allow a criminal or a person who is mentally ill to get his hands on a gun, causing people around that person to suffer. In order for a person to legally sell a …show more content…
In addition, “As of September 2013, about 67,000 firearms were listed for sale online from private, unlicensed sellers” and “An estimated 40% of all firearms transferred in the U.S. are transferred by unlicensed individuals” (Universal Background Checks). Harvard’s own Dr. Deborah Azrael tells The Trace that “of 2,072 gun owners” the researchers surveyed, “roughly 40% said they’d acquired their most recent firearm (through sale or transfer) without going through a background check” (Masters). According to Smart Gun Laws’ “Universal Background Checks”, “Although federal law requires licensed firearm dealers to perform background checks and prospective purchases and maintain records of all gun sales, it does not requires unlicensed ‘private’ sellers to do so” (Universal Background Checks). Because private sellers are not required to perform background checks, it makes it very easy for anyone to purchase a gun. For example, “In 2012, a gunman killed three people, including his wife and injured four others …show more content…
However a criminal without a criminal record is still able to legally purchase guns. A New York Times article shows how different mass shooters obtained their guns. Of the shootings listed on the website, “at least eight gunmen had criminal histories or documented mental health problems that did not obtain them from obtaining their weapons” (Buchanan). A man by the name of Omar Mateen was behind the most recent mass shooting at the gay nightclub (Buchanan). “In 2013, the FBI learned that Mr. Mateen made comments to co-workers alleging personal terrorist ties… the FBI investigated him again and concluded that he ‘did not constitute a substantive threat at that time” (Buchanan). Even with the investigation, “Mr. Mateen legally bought at least two guns” just days before the shooting because “he is not a prohibited person” (Buchanan). 49 people were killed and 53 were wounded (Buchanan). According to “How They Got Their Guns”, Vester Lee Flanagan, who shot a reporter, cameraman, woman, and afterwards himself, had had many harassment lawsuits filed against him at the different jobs he acquired over the years. However, because he was not documented as a criminal, he was able to legally purchase a gun kill himself along with three other people. (Buchanan). Another

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