Homeostasis by definition is the maintenance of a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment. Blood glucose regulation is a type of homeostasis that helps maintain the level of blood sugar in the body and therefore gives energy to cells, making the body able to function properly. It is important that blood glucose levels remain stable and don’t get too high or too low. Tissues in our body rely on a range of energy sources such as amino acids and fats but certain important tissues mainly rely on energy from glucose to function. Without …show more content…
Blood glucose levels for type 2 diabetics can remain high as when insulin is produced quantities can be insignificant or the cells do not react to the insulin. If blood glucose levels remain high for a long period of time it can result in heart disease, strokes, kidney failure and loss of vision. It is a chronic disease which if not managed will get worse as time goes on. The symptoms for type 2 may appear mild at first but can be quite sever. Due to the cells not being able to respond correctly they can be starved of fuel which can lead to over eating due to an increase appetite. Which could then lead to obesity problems which are common in people with type 2 diabetes. Like type 1 diabetes the urine production increases resulting patients being often thirsty. It also causes muscle weakness and fatigue as well as poor wound healing and prone to infection. Type 2 diabetes is not curable however it can be managed in order to low health risks. Doing this includes taking regular checks of the blood glucose levels, managing your diet, to exercise regularly, lose weight, stop smoking and reduce blood