The Use Of Technology In Our Daily Life

Decent Essays
In today’s society, technology usage has been rapidly increasing over the years. People in this day and age rely on the use of technology more than they have ever before within their lifetime. It seems to have gotten to the point where technology now dominates every aspect of our daily life. The purpose of technology was to make things simpler. Technology has made many everyday task simpler, but it has also caused the rise of addiction, less social interactions, and greater chances of health problems. With the increase in these problems, we just need to lessen the amount technology that we use.
Yes, the purpose of technology was to make everyday life simpler. It has made humans actually live longer and freed up more time in the day for people.
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It is true that technology has increased lifespan through medical advances, it is now also a major contributor to the rise of obesity, diabetes, and eye diseases. Nowadays in the workforce, many people have the job of just sitting in front of a computer screen for eight hours a day. Just sitting in a spot for eight hours limits physical activity which results in weight gain the potential increase for diabetes. Also, entertainment is now going all technological. People now for entertainment sit in front of televisions, computers, and or any other electronic device instead of enjoying the outdoors. People may state that they spend much of their time with technology and they are still in a healthy state. That may be, but staring at the screens of any electronic device for an extended amount of time is very harmful to the eyes and can result in the increase potential for eye diseases. With the chance of such health problems, we need to learn to limit the use of technology and take a break from it every so often. There are many pros and cons to the rapid advancement of technology. We as people just need to learn that technology is never going away and that we just need to use it responsibly. Technology is not meant for us to become addicted, limit our social skills, and give rise to health problems. Technology is here to make our lives easier, not to control us. If our ancestors could survive with limited technology, this generation should be able to atleast limit the use of

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