A good learning experience would be a few years back a teacher helps me achieve the best results. Also, she had time for everyone that might be encountering problems that they might have. Furthermore, she provided us with tricks and tips for exams for which she wanted the best possible result for everyone and motivated us to do our absolute best.
A bad learning experience would when the teacher just regurgitated information from the Powerpoint and just giving it like a speech. Thus, he didn?t really provided real life examples or ways in which would have helped us understanding the concepts and theories better. It didn?t give to us that eager and hunger to teach.
The way in which, I will apply to my own future learning and teaching is trying to be a student that helps students by providing ways in which I would have incorporated into my real life experience. Hence, it would be said that most educators are introducing more real life experiences into classrooms (Goldman, 2008). Furthermore. my own future learning would incorporate from learning and continuing what I know works and through motivation. Research has shown, by giving points increases student learning and is rewarded through behaviour as, this is all through persistence (Garaus, Furtmuller, & Guttel, 2014) . Firstly, the needs theory one of the learning theories which are related to the good learning theory and bad learning theory. This relates to the trainers should be able to determine the needs of the trainee and fulfilling the conditions which would satisfy the trainee. Research has shown that, that has been a lack of research of the performance and satisfaction of the employees as it has been neglected (Arnolds, & Boshoff, 2002). Another learning theory which is interrelated would be the goal setting theory. This relates to the behaviour and intentions of the trainee, thus, it also shows that the developmental goals in which is set and in turn become motivated. Hence, it is also to show the efficiency and productivity in the performance (Neubert, & Dyck, 2016). Reference List: Neubert, M. J., & Dyck, B. (2016). Developing sustainable management theory: Goal-setting theory based in virtue. Management Decision, 54(2), 304-320. doi:10.1108/MD-05-2014-0312 Goldman, E. F. (2008). Integrating work experiences into teaching. Journal of Strategy and Management, 1(1), 93. doi:10.1108/17554250810909446 Garaus, C., Furtmuller, G., & Guttel, W. (2014;2016;). The hidden power of small rewards: The effects of insufficient external rewards on autonomous motivation to learn. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 15(1), 45. doi:10.5465/amle.2012.0284 Arnolds, C. A., & Boshoff, C. (2002). Compensation, esteem valence and job performance: An empirical assessment of alderfer 's ERG theory. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13(4), 697-719. doi:10.1080/09585190210125868 Learning Activity 2 Question 1: Training is of great importance in subsequently helping employees pursue greater responsibilities and knowledge around how the business is governed. Hence, training will eventually lead to greater job opportunities by acquiring the skills you have learnt and by applying to everyday tasks and roles. It is evident that by providing training to employees that it would ultimately increase the overall efficiency of the business. Training is also important …show more content…
As, depending on what I am learning or the activity I am partaking in really determines the way I learn. I don?t have one set of learning styles as I have found in the past that the way I learn doesn?t necessarily work with doing the same activity.
In respect, to training others it could be said that I am more of a pragmatic person. The reason being is that I like to tend to play role with ideas about which clips or activities and to get my point across to the trainee. Hence, I am an down to earth kind of person as long as they try and keep learning. Lastly, I tend to mostly to problem solve and help them figure out what it is that is getting this result.
This is relevant to my training session as I have incorporated some new ideas in which, previously haven?t tried before and seeing how the audience responses. I have included activities in which, would hopefully get the audience engaged and participate more with this style of learning. Throughout, my session, I have cut down on discussing the theories and concepts and trying more to incorporate the theories and concepts through finding the theories and concepts within cartoons