Persuasive Essay Against Genetic Testing

Improved Essays
What is genetic testing?
Genetic testing is a scientific and medical testing where scientists (change scientists to something else) identify for changes in a person’s genes, chromosomes or protein. It is considered when someone wants to identify health risks, allowing the doctor to make recommendations to their health and decrease their chance in developing the certain disease, or to test to see if the person has other genetic conditions, which would impact their chance of passing on or developing a genetic disorder.
Though many positives may outweigh the negatives of genetic testing, does not mean the drawbacks of it should not be considered. When your results are concluded, it may emotionally affect you and your family. Depending on the
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If an individual is suspected of displaying physical signs and symptoms of a disease or condition, a genetic test could confirm it. While some family members may seem unaffected by a genetic abnormality, a test could identify reproductive or psychosocial implications, putting the unaffected members at a higher risk of developing the disease. Diagnostic testing is suitable for all ages and can be performed at birth or any time during life, though it could alter their health care choices and medical …show more content…
Those who believe that it’s ethical think it could create the “master race”, where humans will have fully evolved with the newer technology to create the engineered babies. This could cause them to become more intelligent, logical, attractive and healthy. This, however, could create a gap in society since those that are genetically engineered are different since they are not technically born as a normal human. The technology created is not tested well enough for it to be 100% safe so it could be dangerous and if it’s not done correctly, the embryo could be

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