Before a doctor can perform an abortion, some policies and regulations a woman who seeks to have an abortion, be given literature on ultrasound services. An ultrasound during the first trimester is not considered a need prior to an abortion conducted during the first trimester. However, the main purpose is an attempt to convince the mother to wait before going through with the abortion in hopes that having an ultrasound will create a bond between the mother and the unborn child. Furthermore, the objectives of an ultrasound is used to be used as an indirect effort in humanizing the fetus as more than just a collection of cells. Ultrasounds in 3 dimensional (3D) and 4 dimensional (4D) have grown in current years and are becoming more standard and available more freely. “Ultrasounds of 3D give images of life-like. While ultrasounds of 4D enhances the image to give the impression of real time movement 3D/4D images typically gives the impression of a golden color on the screen of the ultrasound, and this color makes it easy for the mother to watch and see the images and features of the unborn baby. The advancement of the 4D ultrasound technology has allowed for a fetal imagery to be shown by providing a straight photographic image of the fetus in the uterus.” In addition, these pictures, which …show more content…
A person’s normal judgment seems to always be in jeopardy of having to deal with the influences of unrelated characteristics that seem to be a hindrance. In each individual examination of unwarranted persuasion, things can go in a different direction – looking at or watching the images from an ultrasound can help a mother make up her mind as to what her intentions are for the unborn baby. In addition the images from the ultrasound could preset a bias effect because it only shows some of the ethically important attributes of the fetus. A 4D ultrasound permits the mother to see the baby swallow, yawn, cry and even blink. [6] Therefore, in many states, it is encouraged and supported that doctors should insist, as an agreement, to arrange for a 4D ultrasound to all women who are contemplating abortion as option, before abortions are conducted. Having a 4D ultrasound allows a mother to connect to the fetus and it is used as one of the most crucial examples of informed consent because you are actually seeing the fetus before you make your final