The Monomyth In Joseph Campbell's The Epic Of Gilgamesh

Superior Essays
Story telling has been around for as long as man has, but there is a common pattern in stories that existed as far back as writing goes, and is still used to this day. Joseph Campbell created the structure of the monomyth, or the Hero’s Journey, to show that epics and myths all follow somewhat of a similar pattern. He designed this template to follow stories such as the Odyssey, Jesus and the New Testament, and classic myths. In fact, it turns out that this monomyth was a template for the oldest story known to man; The Epic of Gilgamesh. There are seventeen proposed steps, but this essay will cover only the points in the story that are most prominent in Campbell’s monomyth.

The first stage is the Call to adventure, where the hero begins in
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The Belly of the Whale is the point at which the hero shows he is ready to commit to undergoing a full transformation. This stage was named after Jonah’s experience in the Bible, when Jonah first refused the call, but was swallowed by the whale, and came to the realization that his call was his purpose.

This is the point when the person experiences a love that has the power and significance of the all-powerful, all encompassing, unconditional love that a fortunate infant may experience with his or her mother. This is a very important step in the process and is often represented by the person finding the other person that he or she loves most completely.
This stage is the point that the hero of the epic is now in full stride over obstacles, and a love is created. In this particular epic, it is not a female counterpart that Gilgamesh builds this amorous relationship with, but is instead his brother, his equal, his greatest ally: Enkidu. This love is assumed through their triumphs together, but is explicitly declared after Enkidu’s
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His journey now seems clear to him after Enkidu’s death; he must become immortal like the gods so his fate doesn’t become that of his brother’s. Utnapishtim holds the power of life or death. He shares his story of how his call to adventure resulted in his own immortality. He also gives Gilgamesh the opportunity to gain his own immortality, which at this point, is what Gilgamesh believes to be the most important goal.

At this point in the journey, the hero gains the “ultimate boon,” or gains the goal of the quest. Gilgamesh is given the ability to gain his immortality, but almost immediately fails. Had he have gained it, this would have been his boon. But he refuses to leave the quest empty handed. This marks the Refusal of Return. Gilgamesh could have just ceased attempting for a boon, but when given another opportunity, attempts to take it.

The journey leaving with the boon is known as the “Magic flight.” Gilgamesh attempts to leave with the plant that will give him youth, but fails. After getting the plant, his whole journey to the point of losing the boon was his magic

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