Have you ever realized that when you make a fallacious move you have to endeavor to exit the situation even if it was a minor erroneous choice. After the fallacious move you make you understand the erroneous decision you made and after you endeavor through the issue you improve yourself and become divergent than you were in the past. The main protagonist Santiaogo has many decisions that have an impact on himself like when he goes to the pyramids, or when he goes with the Englishman. In the novel, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, Santiago learns, “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too. To begin with , Santiago realizes the importance of being aware . Afterwards, Santiago …show more content…
For instance, when Santiago and the Alchemist are laying under the stars the Alchemist teaches Santiago the importance of what everyone has a role of. "'No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn't know it'" (163). Santiago understands from the Alchemist that everyone has a central role to play. The Alchemist tells Santiago a story about a king and his two sons. Santiago has endeavor all this way and realized something he had never before. Santiago finally understands the importance of what people have to give to the world. To conclude Santiago strived and became better and then realized his treasure was at his …show more content…
Initially, Santiago realizes the importance of being aware and making an impact on others. Afterwards, Santiago and the Englishman learn the importance of striving and learning from different point of views. Lastly, Santiago learns that everyone has a role to play in the world. By striving to make the best choices Santiago gets better in each and every way. This is because when one aims to become better they have to strive to get it which is why people learn to become better. During Santiago's journey he makes decisions that will assemble a great impact in the future. Those who make strong decisions have strong