Essay On Military Ethics

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The military has a set of rules that every member must follow. These laws hold them to an even higher standard than state and federal laws. Enlisting in the military involves stating an oath, which says that this is a choice without reservation or purpose of avoidance. Locally, the effect of this choice is all around us; there are over three thousand soldiers in the Montana National Guard. The army instills multiple creeds and acronyms into all its up- and- coming soldiers, in attempts to have them know these codes for many years to come. Soldiers are taught manners, how to do their job and duties, and to work their hardest to be their best. The Uniform Code of Military Justice is the foundation of all military law in the United States. In …show more content…
Recruiters really tell people interested in joining almost anything that they want to hear, like they’re going to be the next GI Joe, or whatever it is they think or dream of happening. If you sign up for it, and you read the papers, is it morally defensible that you will do what you 're told, from then on out? This goes back to the UCMJ, because insubordination and conduct unbecoming are things that can really get you in trouble in the army. One’s autonomy refers to “a person’s rational capacity for self- governance or self- determination”. Part of the process to enlist in the military involves stating an oath, which specifically says that you are choosing to do this without reservation or purpose of avoidance. The autonomy of enlisting is clear in today’s volunteer army, even though the reasons behind the choice to join may vary between soldiers. The local effect of this choice is all around us; there are over three thousand soldiers in the Montana Army National Guard, and the only fort in Montana is located less than twenty minutes away from Carroll. These citizen-soldiers have civilian jobs as well; they’re all over Helena, whether or not they’re recognized. They work on ranches and in schools, in the state department offices, and take classes here at Carroll as well, alongside veterans of the

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