Aspiring orthodontist is required to complete high school or attain a GED with grades that will begin them on their journey. After completing high school you are not required to but suggested to attain a bachelor’s degree. This degree is not required, but a key factor in their acceptance into an accredited dental school. In their junior year at a university students begin applying to dental school. Acceptance into dental school is not guaranteed, so often times the DAT, Dental Acceptance Test, is used to measure the student’s knowledge and plays a role in the acceptance of the student. It is the student’s job to shine and work hard and to exceptionally well in undergraduate school. Once you are accepted into dental school your first 2 years will be spent taking various basic science courses like anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and biochemistry. The last 2 years will be spent gaining clinical experience and be introduced to different dental specialties like periodontics, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery, and prosthodontics. Your orthodontic training will include lab and lecture courses, seminars, and clinical rotations. ( Orthodontist Salary, 2015, p. 12) After school your work is not yet done, all dentists have to meet certain state requirements before they are given a license and are able to begin practicing. Once this is completed the start to your career …show more content…
Orthodontist made a median salary of $187,200 and a mean salary of $201,030 (Department of Labor Statistics, 2014, p. 3). The median salary for orthodontist in Missouri $131,233 (, 2016, p.1). Missouri is a very diverse state and location and population play a major role in what kind of salary you will make as an orthodontist. Although Orthodontist is the third highest paid career in the United States (Bureau of Labor Statistic, 2014). If you’re looking to maximize your salary potential as an orthodontist then pack your bags and make the move to Texas. Orthodontist in Texas are reordered to have an average salary of $239,510 (Orthodontist Salaries 2015, 2015, p. 7). Along with great financial benefits becoming an orthodontist provides a kind of benefit that no amount of money can add value to. The benefit of helping someone regain their confidence is one that cannot go unnoticed. Orthodontist have the opportunity every day to impact the lives of someone different. Orthodontist build relationships with their patients because they are there so often. During this process Orthodontist begin to unveil a part of their patient that was somehow missing- confidence. A beautiful smile can help someone regain the confidence they so desperately wanted and missed. In my opinion this benefit surpasses that of a $200,000