If he causes a close family member to be upset or notices that they are extremely upset for another reason, he might struggle with what he could do to fix it, even if it’s beyond his control. He wants to alleviate pain and stress from his family members so he will occasionally grapple with ways to help them feel better, whether he caused it and has the ability to help or it is completely apart from him and helping may be impossible. His sport, lacrosse, is the only other thing that has ever kept him up at night. If an injury or something frustrating within a practice or game occurs, he may stay up thinking about how it could have gone differently. With injuries, he realizes that it’s not something he can fix, so the more he thinks about it the more frustrated he grows. On the other hand, thinking about a frustrating practice, teammate, or coach can occasionally be productive, allowing him to learn how to improve or maybe confront someone about it. The aspects of his life that are most important to him are what keeps him up at
If he causes a close family member to be upset or notices that they are extremely upset for another reason, he might struggle with what he could do to fix it, even if it’s beyond his control. He wants to alleviate pain and stress from his family members so he will occasionally grapple with ways to help them feel better, whether he caused it and has the ability to help or it is completely apart from him and helping may be impossible. His sport, lacrosse, is the only other thing that has ever kept him up at night. If an injury or something frustrating within a practice or game occurs, he may stay up thinking about how it could have gone differently. With injuries, he realizes that it’s not something he can fix, so the more he thinks about it the more frustrated he grows. On the other hand, thinking about a frustrating practice, teammate, or coach can occasionally be productive, allowing him to learn how to improve or maybe confront someone about it. The aspects of his life that are most important to him are what keeps him up at