Anti Vaccination Research Paper

Improved Essays
Rosa Cruz
Professor Dominguez
English 103

Making a difference one shot at a time. Through the years there have been various discoveries that have changed the medical field. Vaccinations happen to be one of the most important discoveries in history.Vaccinations have been around since the 1700’s and have change human life since. Though in recent years, parents have been refusing to vaccinate their children. Many parents believe that vaccinations have long term side effects that can be potentially fatal. Other parents are just simply misinformed about vaccines and choose to let their fears guide their decision to vaccinate. This anti-vaccination movement have shown its effects in the community. There has been
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One of the most common ingredients found in vaccines is Aluminium. Aluminium is found in vaccines for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, diphtheria-tetanus-containing vaccines, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and pneumococcal vaccines. The Children’s hospital of Philadelphia states that the Aluminum is being used as adjuvant, which basically helps boost the immune system in response to the vaccine. When a vaccine is being tested the FDA keeps a close eye on the reactions that are based off exposure to certain ingredients,like aluminum ,before they license the vaccine. The aluminum dosage in a vaccine is fairly low. The word ‘Aluminum’ seems to scare parents into thinking that aluminum is dangerous. The truth is that it is, but in high doses. Aluminum in found around us but we do not notice it. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia states that, “infants receive about 4.4 milligrams of aluminum in the first six months of life from vaccines, but they receive more aluminum than that in their diet. Breast-fed infants ingest about 7 milligrams, formula-fed infants ingest about 38 milligrams, and infants who are fed soy formula ingest almost 117 milligrams of aluminum …show more content…
British doctor, Andrew Wakefield, conducted a study that was published in 1998 that has found a correlation between vaccines and autism. Later it was found to be constructed on unfactual evidence, many of his discoveries were found to be incorrect. The General Medical Council reviewed Wakefield’s finding they found many discrepancies which discredited his paper. They found that Wakefield and his co-investigators were showing callous disregard to the twelve children they studied. It also came to light that Wakefield handpicked the children he wanted to use for his study rather than using patients in his clinic. The General Medical council also discovered that Wakefield payed children who attended his son’s birthday party for blood samples.After his article was found to be dishonest, The General Medical council revoked Wakefield’s medical license and his study was pulled. There have been various studies that have shown no possible correlation between autism and vaccines (Wallis). But the damage was already done. The fear in parents lead them to refuse to immunize their children. Which has caused a huge drop in child immunization rate. The parents who took this information didn 't bother to hear the other side of the argument and made the bold decision to refuse to immunize their children. These parents instead listen to the Doctor

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