Iraq came at a heavy cost to the United States, and it is still unclear whether it was worth getting involved with the country at all. The oil they can supply for us as a nation is great, but if they decide to stop selling us the oil then we either have to find another source or suffer for it. There is no doubt Iraq has provided us a large amount of oil and helped with our oil crisis, but the future is shaky for one to be comfortable with them.
The human cost of the Iraq war makes me wonder if it was worth it. From the outside it seems little has changed in the country, and they hold they have on oil for the U.S is unnerving. Looking into this has made me wonder if Iraq truly knows how valuable oil is to our country. It was also surprisingly hard to find solid sources on the topic. I would have to do more research to come up with a good conclusion on how I personally feel on the war itself. Oil is just part of the issue with