Mandela’s father Henry Gadla Mpakhanyiswa was a Thembu chief, which gave Mandela a political stronghold due to his family status. Lodge (2006) describes Mandela’s father to be a somewhat wealthy man because he was able to support his four wives and thirteen children. This provided a detailed character of Nelson Mandela and how he became a prominent political figure in South Africa. Lodge (2006) explains how Mandela’s education played a critical role in his upbringing to political greatness. Lodge also describes essential centrality in the complex cooperation between the organizations of Xhosa custom and the mission-school, which served to outline his future political life. During Mandela’s time in Johannesburg, where it was through his association with the extremists members of the ANC, that Mandela started to captivate with legislative issues. Lodge (2006) indicates how contacts with people like Anton Lembede and Oliver Tambo served to build Mandela as a poster child of black political leaders.
This biography has not been without its pundits, and parts of the political life of Mandela do oblige further consideration, particularly the intricacies of the relationship in the middle of Mandela and the ANC. The strengths and weaknesses of the qualities of Lodge’s book, which evaluates Mandela’s political life concerning the black struggle in South Africa is noteworthiness of Mandela 's life. This masterpiece gives both a brief and watchful record of the life of one of the twentieth century 's most paramount open