By Annabelle Wall
Terrorism. Islam. In a world post 9/11 these words appear to be synonymous with one another. However, in the past they were previously and commonly associated with the Irish Republican Army (Profile.Id , 2018 ). Muslims in South East Queensland have found society to be mostly welcoming and inclusive. However, in recent years Muslims have been used as scapegoats due to the various terror attacks overseas, with their visible presence leading to verbal abuse and vandalism from some parts of the community.
In the 19th century, Muslims came to Australia as cameleers, assisting European settlers to explore the continent. Muslims came from all walks of life and from countries such as India and Turkey (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2018). This resulted in a first mosque being built in Adelaide in 1908 (BBC, 2009 ). To quickly follow, the construction of the …show more content…
Muslim women and men in respect to the Qua’ran follow dress conventions. Women’s traditional clothing consists of clothes which cover their bodies excluding their hands and face such as the Burqa, Hijab and Niqab (Muslim Today, 2011). Comparatively, the minimum amount of skin a male should show is from their knees to navel area and they are often seen wearing popular and respectful clothing items such as Thobes, Ghutras and Bisht’s (Muslim Today, 2011). Engaging in these conventions as a male or female Muslim displays modesty to opposite sexes. Nahla Alsarrai, a 4th year medical student at UQ and Dr Nora Amath both stated that they felt empowered while wearing and being engaged in their headdresses and other dress conventions (Q & A Interview, 2018). Interestingly, Nahla did not begin to wear the headdress until she became a university student as she felt pressured and uncomfortable wearing it whilst at school (Q & A Interview,