Structural Theory Of Poverty

Superior Essays
In the United States poverty is part of our stratified system, and is located at the bottom of this hierarchical system. When seeking to explain poverty theorist have developed various responses, to some poverty is linked to the character of the individual; on the other hand, others link poverty to structural forces. Culture-of-poverty theories are those that link poverty to the character of the individual, while structural theories of poverty attribute poverty to social conditions. When looking at Michael and Judy’s life in poverty structural theory of poverty best explains how social forces led to poverty. Social forces are in reference to the political and economic characteristics of society that influence poverty outside the control of …show more content…
Judy was six months into serving time when Michael was born, they lived in a predominantly black neighborhood in Los Angeles that had seen one of the largest riots in the history of the United States. After the birth of Michael, he was placed in the foster care system until his mother got out of prison. Once out of prison Judy found herself with no job, no home, and three mouths to feed. She soon after got married and had another child, but the marriage would not last. The homes Judy and Michael lived in were infested with rats, and other vile creatures. Michael grew up in Watts, being heavily influenced by street gangs, and crime. Michael too would serve time at the young age of 15 just like his mother once had, and as for his mother Judy, she was found …show more content…
The United States is a welfare state and as Kerbo (2012) explains a welfare state is one were as a society the state has taken an interest in both the social problems and social welfare of society by providing assistance either by providing a good or a service. Although a welfare state is intended to help all members of society those living in poverty have been stratified to be undeserving. In order to receive welfare assistance, the guidelines provided by the state must be met, meaning that able bodies must comply with political sanctions. Over the years welfare in the United States has undergone changes, most notably are the guidelines now set by the state, or the funding that depends on what politicians sees fit to provide the greatest benefits. The welfare reform of 1996 set limit, and time restrictions on who and for how long and individual could receive aid. The reform in turn meant that not all those in need would receive the assistance that is crucial for their survival (Kerbo

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