Suspension-feeding starfish use their tube feet to pass food to the mouth. The cardiac stomach is connected to a pyloric stomach (located above it), which in turn is connected to both the anus. The digestive glands and the cardiac stomach produce digestive enzymes. Digested material is absorbed through the digestive glands for transport to the rest of the body. Since the digestive glands extend the length of each arm, the need for an advanced circulatory system is reduced. The water vascular system uses cilia and the constant contraction of ampulla to extend and retract the tube feet, also helps keep things moving. Oxygen enters mainly by diffusion into the tube feet and thus into the water vascular system which allows for the digestive system to
Suspension-feeding starfish use their tube feet to pass food to the mouth. The cardiac stomach is connected to a pyloric stomach (located above it), which in turn is connected to both the anus. The digestive glands and the cardiac stomach produce digestive enzymes. Digested material is absorbed through the digestive glands for transport to the rest of the body. Since the digestive glands extend the length of each arm, the need for an advanced circulatory system is reduced. The water vascular system uses cilia and the constant contraction of ampulla to extend and retract the tube feet, also helps keep things moving. Oxygen enters mainly by diffusion into the tube feet and thus into the water vascular system which allows for the digestive system to