You may well ask, "when did happiness become so elusive?"
Today the information we receive …show more content…
Our emotions, which are energy in motion, tell us where we are at on this path. Fatigue comes from boredom and indecision; Energy from implementation of Soul (or Higher) Purpose. Anxiety and Stress indicates that we are off track, or out of alignment with ourselves, that somewhere in life an adjustment needs to be made to bring us back on track. A State of Wellbeing, or Happiness, indicates the shift made was a good one; that we 're back in alignment with Self - with Spiritual …show more content…
You create the reality in which you live by choosing what You pay attention to and therefore become Conscious of. But you have to test Universal Laws for yourself. You can not take anyone 's word for it, and there is more than just the Law of Attraction that comes into play here. Wisdom comes only via personal experience, not observation. Life is something one must participate in in order to grow and evolve. This means living Consciously, facing Everything and avoiding Nothing, while having faith in the perfect outcome of all things and remembering that the Universe always responds YES. Ultimately thoughts and intentions become things, they may as well be good and