Agents Of Socialization Research Paper

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Throughout history, society has been exposed to various agents of socialization that assist in developing the beliefs, attitudes, values and behavior of its citizens (Symbaluk and Bereska 76). Agents such as family and media have played vital roles in shaping people of today’s society and have created a world where life without these influences is virtually unimaginable. The influential aspects of family are exposed to a child as soon as they enter the world and continue throughout the span of their life. As they grow older, they are exposed to the effects of media and together these two social agents mold the child into whom they will become. Although both aspects of family and media play pivotal roles in shaping a child, family plays a greater …show more content…
Growing up, children are exposed to television, books, and music, which are all forms of media. They help children learn positive social behaviors such as sharing and being respectful. The television shows and books that children read often embrace the stereotypical roles of males and females and showcase proper behavior so children can learn the norms and expectations of society (Symbaluk and Bereska 80). For example, every episode of the cartoon Max and Ruby demonstrates a new life lesson such as forgiveness, sharing, kindness or friendship. Children are usually followers and so what they see and hear will influence their behavior and they will have a tendency to act in ways that reflect the current media. For instance, children who are exposed to programs with violence will likely have outbursts of violent acts because that is what media is portraying as acceptable and …show more content…
However, the impact of family on children at an early age and the constant and continual influence of parents result in the family having a greater impact when compared to media. The beliefs and values instilled in children from family during the early stages of life creates an individual’s social identity and is a driving force behind the actions of a person. Media is also present in their life, but it is often used as a source of entertainment and therefore will not outshine the foundations and influences created by

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