In my opinion regard to credentialing, the three most important barriers are: the laws governing ARNPs practice are outdated and need to be revised to reflect current education, training, and experience. Second, medical societies argue that defining the scope …show more content…
2- Absolutely and unequivocally support of extension the medical staff privileges to ARNPs.
Strengthen the provisions of Florida Statutes concerning the application for clinical privileges by ARNPs.
3- Support increasing access to payer panels for ARNPs; by amend appropriate sections of the Florida Insurance Acts to mandate inclusion of ARNPs as providers of health care.
Finally, I believe to be a successful advanced registered nurse practitioner, I must be able to provide the “art” of caring and apply the knowledge “science” throughout my career. Therefore, my philosophy of ARNP addresses four things: knowledge, motivation, commitment, and human dignity. I will set a high standard, offer top-quality, and patient-centered services regardless of their financial ability. Most importantly, my strength is the commitment to demonstrate leadership and reflective ethical thinking to serve my patients