The Theory of Natural Law is vast among Christians and throughout the United States. According to PewResearchCenter in 2014, over seventy percent of the American population is Christian. Within Washington D.C. sixty-five percent of people are Christian, although law and religion are deemed to be separate within the U.S. These …show more content…
There is said to be universal rules for humanity according to Natural Law. This second part of Natural Law implies that people naturally care about people in their community and those who don’t are otherwise broken and deranged. Religious thinkers have looked to the second part of this law when they found themselves in situations they did not yet understand or feel comfortable in. Often times, this area was in regard to sex and sexual behaviors which, for the most part was all deemed “inappropriate.” When referencing Natural Law, religious thinkers shallowly placed the sole purpose of sex on procreation and deemed anything outside of that “unnatural.” What is overlooked is that people were also given desire and extreme pleasure receptors within both male and female genitalia. What purpose were women given a G-spot for example? A woman does not need to ejaculate to procreate or even feel pleasure for that matter. By their same standards, it would be to have pleasure, hence why some cultures partake in female genital mutilation due to their religion. Some might say humans have these organs so that they desire sex in order to procreate, however in pubescence, without ever have experiencing an orgasm pre-teens/teens and young adults desire sexual intercourse. Additionally, research has shown that having sex is beneficial for the body on many levels. If sex was …show more content…
The third part of Natural Law is clearly the most controversial due to the fact that it’s exclusively based on the best argument an individual can offer. Being that all cultures see what is socially acceptable and favorable differently, the “best argument” is completely dependent on the individual hearing it. The later being the case, it leaves what is naturally right and wrong up to