On my pass through the information I began taking notes about the facts I highlighted, and put them into my own words. Through that process was I able to understand all the research and summarize it into this paper. My take away from this article was that if students were in challenging courses, intrinsically motivated peers obtained higher grades in the what they deemed as challenging classes, but not in the classes they deemed less challenging. To reflect on intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation I referred to what we learned in chapter three. I used a mnemonic to keep it simple, intrinsic means internal. It is not an outside motivator like its counterpart, extrinsic motivation. You are intrinsically motivated when it comes to things you are passionate about or with things you find interesting. Extrinsic motivation is an outside force that drives you to do something, like taking a certain college class for your degree. The article I choose conducted research to see if intrinsically motivated students get better grades than students who are extrinsically motivated. They uncovered …show more content…
The top two tiers of the pyramid: self-actualization needs and self-transcendence needs, are prime examples of intrinsic motivation because these things often drive out internal motivation. Also, as a college student I am experiencing self-actualization by going to school for my dream job. Research for this article was conducted at Southwest Baptist college and was done to see if college grades in harder courses would highly correlate with intrinsic motivation than grades in easier classes taken by the same student congruently. (Parenthetical doc). Study for this research was done in the fall of 1968 and took place over one college year by Richard D. Kahoe and Robert E. McFarland. However, majority of the work in the article is written by