The ideology of racism is classified as a belief that because humans are born subdivided, they are intrinsically different socially and mentally, which inherently distinguishes them as either inferior or superior.
Comparatively, racism can be defined as a feeling or conviction that a particular race is superior to other races. An example of racial ideology would be the treatment of African Americans by Anglo-Saxons.
Correspondingly, the practices of racism and racial profiling dates back many centuries ago. In the nineteenth century, when racial profiling emerged, scientists utilized it to ascertain whether or not a correlation existed between the negative and positive characteristics in a particular body type, or physical features. Even though several theories arose from these methods, no data were ever created to support them. Despite the fact that these theories could not be confirmed, law enforcement chose to adopt them to substantiate racial profiling against minority groups. Racial profiling continued until the twentieth century, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, which prohibited racial discrimination. Marger (2015, 2012), states, “Racial profiling, wherein police select someone for investigation or stronger action on the basis of race or ethnicity,” He compares racial profiling with the practices which are used by financial institutions to determine credit worthiness of a potential customer based upon their ethnicity. For example, African Americans are considered as an unsatisfactory risk for banks due to a disproportionate percentage of credit worthiness. African Americans have been victims of prejudice and discrimination just as other ethnic groups have, but to a much harsher degree. Blacks were chosen to be slaves since by whites since there was a demand for labor, and because of their physical and cultural characteristics. Stereotypes such as being uncultured and less intelligent, also led to their enslavement. Even though relations between blacks and whites are not as intense as they once were, for blacks, the effects of slavery continue to impact their lives today. Additionally, a group that stands for racial hate and discrimination, is the Ku Klux Klan, commonly referred to as the “Klan.” They began after the Civil War during Reconstruction. The Ku Klux Klan has displayed violence against groups such as African Americans, Jews, and Catholics. The Klan is responsible for bombings, hangings, and other despicable acts committed against African Americans, all in an attempt to prevent desegregation and civil rights. They have targeted anyone who questions their idea of white dominance. Over the years, the Klan has undergone numerous changes since their existence due to litigation, and conflict amongst its members. Presently, the Ku Klux Klan hosts roughly between five thousand to eight thousand members. Likewise, other forms of racial discrimination persisted, as with the case of the Jews and the Nazi Regime. Jews were victimized and considered not fit to live due to their race, mental illness, and cognitive issues. They were essentially viewed or profiled as inferior and therefore expendable, which led to millions of Jews being murdered by various heinous methods. The Holocaust will be remembered as one of the most horrific atrocities in American History. Profiling is defined as the practice of viewing certain kinds of people based …show more content…
Racial profiling is the extrapolation of information about someone in addition to particular characteristics, and utilizing that information to determine whether or not that person is likely to commit a crime. The Equal Protection Clause, “Prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Racial profiling is one of the largest issues in our society today. It stems from racism and its effects are felt globally. Since black males possess the greatest probability of being arrested in contrast to white males, one must question if they are legitimately at fault, or if they are being targeted unfairly by law enforcement. African American females, Latinos, Hispanics and Mexicans have also been victims of racial …show more content…
What is your reaction when you hear the names Trayvon Martin or Osama bin Laden? More than likely, each name stirs very different emotions within you. The name Trayvon Martin may make one think of racial profiling, whereas, Osama bin Laden makes one think of