Qualitative analysis: Methods people use to manage gut health and gut problems Methods volunteered Examples
Theme 1 Actions ‘Choosing good and healthy foods’, ‘monitoring changes from diet’, ‘juice diet’, ‘self-education’, ‘natural birth and breastfeeding’, ‘exercise’, ‘relaxation techniques’.
Theme 2 Increase Consumables Supplements, medication, antacids, macrobiotics, Inner Health, fresh vegetables.
Theme 3 Avoid Consumables Sugars, preservatives, artificial colours, junk food, take-away foods, fatty foods, antibiotics,
Theme 4 Probiotics Foods with probiotics/prebiotics: Yogurt, sauerkraut, fermented foods, ‘Crapsules’, Yakult. Finally, participants commented on the roles that gut-microbiota could play in health and wellbeing. Dominant themes related to maintaining internal balance, whole body health …show more content…
As sample size decreases, so does confidence in the estimate and accuracy of findings. The small sample size (n=60) meant that a number of categories has cell totals of less than five but also more than two levels. Thus neither the planned Chi Square nor the secondary Fisher’s exact tests could be conducted for items with these characteristics.
Additionally, the method of recruiting participants (through the researchers’ networks and through the university) meant that the sample may have been poorly representative of the wider Australian population. An example of this was demonstrated in the disproportionate number of participants were tertiary educated (over 50%), compared with the population average of over 25% (ABS, 2015). Higher education levels correlate with greater health knowledge and preventative care (Beauchamp et al., 2015), and therefore, it is likely that the qualitative results may reflect this relationship. However, the quantitative results did not reflect this, so this remains an area for further