Putnam And Sharon Analysis

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Being a parent portrays Putnam and Harrington’s level five. The parents are distinguished by being, “reliable disciples who have grown and matured to the point where they are now qualified to teach others.” Furthermore, they state, “a spiritual parent has a solid understanding of God’s Word, a deep abiding relationship with God, and a desire to be in raising up other disciples.” Indeed, this constitutes the few in the Church. These represent the teachers including the pastor in the local church and some move on to plant other churches or work in the missionary field. I apperceive that there are levels beyond this as I have met some really holy people in my life and read about more. However, the goal in mind is to bring people to this …show more content…
In his relationship to the world.
Sphere one is referred as “the centrality of a relationship with God.” Putnam and Harrington refer to this sphere as “the core, the hub that unites the other spheres together.” They proffer the following three categories of questions with regards to this sphere:
1. Head:… Is he or she willing to surrender to
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Heart: Are visible changes happening in this person’s life?
3. Hands: Are they willing to follow Christ in the direction he is leading them?
If one does not have not surrender fully to Christ, they exert their will over God’s will. If you truly follow Christ and surrender to him, you should imitate him with respect to the love you exhibit to others. And, finally, if you are surrendering your will to Christ, you follow his direction and not yours. Putnam and Harrington call sphere two, “relationship with the family of God, the Church.” This sphere discourses on our relationships with other members of the church. They emphasize our relationships with our fellow believers. This points to a growing love for the membership and developing relational skills in dealing with others. Indeed, Christians all have encountered the divisive elements in the church who know better and gossip. Satan dispenses his best troops in this matter. When the church focuses on division, it lose sight of Christ and will

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