The first principle of persuasion is reciprocity, which is “the mutual expectation for exchange of value or service” (McLean 2010). For example, when one party gives something to another party, the party that receives …show more content…
For example, if a sales person is asked many questions about a product and is not able to answer these questions, then their authority on the knowledge of the product is challenged and customers will be reluctant to make a purchase (McLean 2010). However, if the sales person demonstrates
SIX PRINCIPLES OF PERSUASION 4 their knowledge of the product and the market, then the consumer will be more likely to trust them and make a purchase.
The principle of commitment and consistency appeals to the fact that sometimes the spoken word slips in the memory of negotiating parties. This is why it is important to have written agreements that demonstrate commitment and consistency of both negotiating parties to follow through on an agreement. This principle holds both parties responsible and brings honor and commitment to a negotiation.
Consensus is a principle of persuasion that appeals to the herd. For example, if a person sees that many others approve of a certain product or service; they too will purchase it (McLean
2010). This is why leaving a review of star ratings and comments can be of particular importance to a company. If a new customer sees that all or most reviews are positive for a product …show more content…
In this case, we would all contribute a small amount of money to celebrate the people who had birthdays on that month. I used reciprocity because I went out of my way to elaborate a budget and organize the events in order to present the project to everyone, making sure that I would get a reaction from them. I used authority because I had researched how to implement these monthly celebrations into our schedules looked up everyone’s birthdays and prepared a budget to execute them. I also
SIX PRINCIPLES OF PERSUASION 5 prepared a small contract where we would all sign our names and be responsible for contributing to the celebrations, appealing to the principle of persuasion of commitment and consistency.
Finally, I used linking by showing everyone examples of companies in which this practice was used to provide a better work environment. In this case, I did not use the principles of persuasion of consensus or scarcity. However, if I had known at the time I would have definitely used them.
I was successful because everyone at the end decided to take part in this activity and we have been celebrating birthdays ever