Piaget's Idea That Children Are Naturally Curiousous About Their World

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1. How can Piaget's idea that children are naturally curious about their world and actively seek out information inform approaches to education?
Piaget’s idea on the natural curiosity of children has influenced education and its approach to teaching children. Exploration of the environment is what needed to promote between learning and cognitive develop which makes it imperative that teachers allow for growth in the student’s environment. Allowing exploration through the use of various activities is one way in which Piaget’s idea has impact education. Also, classrooms are modified to fit this concept. Classroom environments are nurturing settings that hold various materials that assist in teaching and developing the whole child. Due to Piaget’s theory, the environment of classrooms has been transformed to benefit the students.
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One can use modeling, a great scaffolding technique to assist their children in mastering a skill. Modeling in the classroom entails showing how to accomplish a task with commentary to assist in the understanding process. Its demonstrating what students are needed to do which helps the children to understand what is needed of them, how to accomplish it, and what the goal is of the activity. Modeling also boosts comprehension levels on a topic. By doing this, the students will be able to master a skill because they have the correct means of coming about a solution to the problem. As time went on, accommodating or modifications can be made to this technique. In the beginning, modeling the whole process with a lot of commentary and visuals will ensure better comprehension. As time goes on, modeling the more complex parts instead of the whole activity will occur. Also, less commentary may be needed as scaffolding entails; in the beginning a lot of support and as time goes on less support is given (McDevitt & Ormrod,

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