By age two, toddlers are able to recognize others emotions and use words to express them, learn that everyone has different likes/dislikes, understand that there are causes and consequences for emotions, and they pretend to be someone else when they play. This is the budding part of theory of mind, as toddlers realize these things they are naturally taking in the views from other people, especially in their make believe play when they pretend to be someone else they are looking at the world from …show more content…
My mother can sign a little bit, but it took her many years to be able to now sign to her deaf child. While we all sign in the house it’s a very adaptive version of ASL. Even in my own sister, you can see that when we talk she has trouble understanding the things we say, or why we say the things we say. Often times having to repeat or tell the story she just witnessed in order for her to understand. There are difficulties as well with understanding her stories, while she is older now than the age group in reference it still is a neat little correlation on how it relates to theory of mind because the things my sister struggles with are the very things that those who have troubles developing Theory of Mind, have trouble developing skills such as hers that well lack in some