My parents expressed these words to me the summer before first grade. I didn’t see it coming to say the least. As my dad moved out of the house, the changes moving in as a result were evident. Constantly packing a suitcase, switching between each of my parents’ houses week-by-week, spending Christmas with my mom’s family and Thanksgiving with my dad’s. Everything became separate. But not all bad came from my parents’ divorce. Through my parents divorce I learned how to be more independent and helpful. My younger brother and I gained a closer relationship. I also became more understanding and a better listener, which in turn made me a better friend. My parents’ divorce is a part of my story that has had a major impact in shaping who I am today. …show more content…
When you only live with one parent at a time, you adjust to provide for yourself. Whether it was doing my own hair when at dad’s house, or packing my own suitcase when at mom’s, at a young age, I discovered my own sense of independence. Being independent has significantly changed my life for the better. I am able to accomplish tasks quickly without relying on other people to do them for me. Without fear or hesitation I can look forward to the future. In regards to college, I feel better prepared to live on my own due to my independent nature. At times, having no other option but to be independent has changed the way I think and has better equip me for future times