Buzzz, Buzzz, Buzzz. As my alarm went off, I thought to myself great another day of school with the same dull schedule. I leaned over to my bed side table to turn off what I thought was my alarm.As I tried to shut it off, I realised it was no alarm. It was a weather report. Buzzz, Buzzz, Buzzz!“This is a national weather service announcement. 12-14 inches of fresh snow is being reported in the north east.” I looked outside to see a fresh three inches of snow already covering the asphalt in the driveway, making it to appear pearly white. I had immediately called up Jack and Cameron to tell them to meet at the mountain in one hour. I quickly get dressed, pack my bags and was on my way out the door, telling my mom to call me out sick from school. I then jumped in the car and took off for one the scarce opportunities we get in Vermont these days.
Skiing was never a big part of anyone in my family's life. It's a very expensive sport. But thanks to my parents, they have created this opportunity for me to find what I live for. Every waking chance I get, I go skiing. Even when I can't make it up to the mountain, I ski …show more content…
The is involved hiking up mountain faces and creating a trail as you ski down. I started small and just hiked the Smugglers Notch Ridgeline and skied down to the parking lot. This was fun at first but I wanted to do bigger so I hiked from smuggs to Stowe and then skied back to the base of Smuggs. This was my favorite trail for its tight woods and the various sizes of ridges. Again this was to small so me and my girlfriend drove to New Hampshire and hiked up Mount Washington to Tuckerman's Ravine. This was crazy it is my fourth year skiing and I was about to drop into a bowl, one hundred and thirty people have died at. The hike was five hours and I was not about to Give up. The skiing down was so tiring, and took about an hour to ski down, but was one of the Greatest experiences of my