The Paradigm’s leadership is very vital within the organization and whatever they do really matter a lot to its employee. One way to promote ethical culture is by rewarding ethical activities that the company expect in different situation. These reward will be based on individual behaviors and decision they make. If someone does something good or handle customer with respect and integrity they would be rewarded and recognized by the management.
The management can also discipline employees who make wrong choices for example disclosing Paradigm information to competitors. This will make the other employee know that it’s wrong to go against organization …show more content…
The audit is able to provide the paradigm toys any expectation which are currently not met per the society and give ways on how to meet them. Most of the stakeholders have set certain expectation for each organization and through the audit the company will be able to identify those issues. This is will boost the sales, enhance trust and lastly attract and retain staff
The company will also be able to identify specific potential risks and liabilities within the organization that need to be address. Paradigm toys can review the kind of complains the company is receiving from stakeholder and be able to address them. This will increase the reputation of Paradigm toys.
Paradigm toys will be able to learn what issue really motivate their employees to work hard for example giving back to the company can really motivate a lot of employees because they know their company cares for community. Most of the companies try to communicate to their customer and employees what are the core values and mission and this is one way the company can do so by stating the values to which the company is operating on.
Lastly the ethical audit will help the paradigm toys identify compliance issues with the law that need to be correct and provide solution based to the …show more content…
Paradigm Toys must maintain and protect the confidentiality information about our competitors’ position, business strategies, contract terms and payment or any kind of reimbursement. This mean the employees can’t share any information with our competitors or even the public. Employees must be educated on the impact of sharing information and how unethical it can affect the business.
The last topic is conflict of interest. This occur when personal interest tend to influence one’s ability to act in the best interest of Paradigm Toys. Employees must be educated on these kind of issues and how they need to handle them because if they are not addressed it can affect the business. For example one can’t request or accept gift from business source that could influence your decision neither can you request for a personal