Oral Cancer falls in the same category as head and neck cancer. It is usually found in the front or floor of the mouth, or on the tongue. Survival rates of this type of cancer are good if it is detected early. Unfortunately, this type of cancer is hard to detect. The reason it is hard to detect is because the symptoms can go unnoticed.
Who is at Risk?
The people most at risk for developing oral cancer are tobacco users and alcohol users. If alcohol and tobacco are combined, the chances of developing oral cancer increases.
The second group at risk are those with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) which can be spread through oral sex. The younger population with HPV are increasing the number of oral cancer risk. HPV could become the …show more content…
The treatment depends on the stage of the cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic website, cancer detected early is usually treated with radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses high energy beams to kill the cancer.
Chemotherapy is another treatment used to kill cancer. With chemotherapy, chemicals are used. Sometimes both chemotherapy and radiation therapy are combined to make the treatment more effective.
If the cancer has developed to a later stage, surgery may be used to remove the cancer. The tumor and the area around it will be removed. Larger tumors might mean a larger amount of tissue will be cut out of your mouth. If this happens, you may need reconstructive surgery to rebuild your mouth or you might need dental implants. Sometimes after a surgery, radiation therapy will also be used to make sure all of the cancer is