According to the lesson on neoliberalism, David Harvey defines neoliberalism as a theory of political economic practice that asserts the best way for societies to advance is by opening up their markets to free trade and converting their government systems to democracies. In other words, based on the lessons, neoliberalism is based on the idea that a free market is the most effective route to economic success. A free market economy has affected countries not only economically, but socio-politically as well. Neoliberalism is a set of policies that focuses on privatization, deregulation, and the advancement of the free market over the public sector.
Neoliberalism can …show more content…
The United States encourages the method of privatization plans insistently on vulnerable countries with the goal of them accepting neoliberal ideas. An example of this can be seen in Naomi Klein’s article, “The Rise of Disaster Capitalism”, where the United States moved in so quickly to help Sri Lanka after a tsunami hit and destroyed their land. The idea was for the U.S. to attempt to rebuild the country, but the people of Sri Lanka described this attempt as “ a second tsunami of corporate globalization and militarization”. This relates to international communication in the sense that power is strongly associated with the development of our communications. We can see that undeveloped countries aren’t able to obtain the level of international communications that the United States is because they don’t have the available resources to do so. Another example seen in the article is the control the World Banks holds over other countries through trust funds. While neoliberalism eliminates barriers, the World Bank manages barriers for aid money to certain countries. Ultimately what was happening here was that they were taking advantage of countries that had recently undergone tragedy in order to enforce neo-liberal …show more content…
It was unquestionable that the 9/11 attacks would send our country directly into a constant state of fear. In an effort to aid American’s fear, the government made border inspections more intense as well as having stricter security and surveillance. In Robert Parry’s article, “America’s Matrix” the main theme that was discussed was how the aftermath of 9/11 produced a false reality, the article discusses how the government passes false messages about weapons of mass destruction and other things that have only heightened the state of fear that the U.S. is currently in. Additionally, a false sense of fear emerged that al Qaeda would sneak across the border and attack America, this lead to the creation of fences, deploying national guard troops, gathering “illegal” workers and expanding border patrols for the purpose of keeping out