Being the middle child is different from being the oldest to being the baby of the family. The oldest got all the special privileges and the youngest got all the special attention, especially since he was the only boy. I did not receive the same treatment from my parents as my siblings did, not in a bad way though. My parents did not have to check my grades; they knew I would have all A’s. I did not need to be monitored where I was all the time; they knew I would be where I said I was. They did not have to worry about anything school related with my because I always did my homework myself. This caused me to be highly independent. This has affected my way of being a leader in both good and bad ways. By being independent, it taught me to be directive, participative, and achievement oriented. This seems to have aided in making me a path-goal leader. I make goals and tasks, plan things out thoroughly, and have self-motivation to get things done. However, it made me less open to other ideas or way to go about things because I was used to doing things my way. In group projects I was ready to be a leader and create a plan to get all tasks done and how we were going to do that. All the responsibility I took on as a child evolved into my work and school life. I liked to have the responsibility and enjoy taking control of the situation and leading other. This posed a problem when sometime I would be too …show more content…
After losing my father and growing up without him, I realized the importance of family. Everyone in my family is important to me. After going so long without knowing half of my family, I embraced learning and finally being a part of their lives and culture. I knew I wanted to be a member of my tribe. Now, my heritage and culture makes up a big part of my life. I’ve learned so much about the struggles of my tribe and what it took to get where they are today. It has made me hold value in the traditions of my family. After learning about my tribe I began to become very interested in the spirituality of it all. My interest in this helped me discover abilities that I did not even know I had. It helped me see potential in myself. Using the spiritual abilities and gift that were passed on to me is something that I believe holds the true meaning behind the value of my own life. I was able to gather a better understanding to my purpose. Using the spiritual traditions of my ancestors I was able to better understand myself. I learned more about myself through meditation that I ever have. These traditions gave me insight into myself that has helped me change for the better. Leadership involves the ability to understand the bigger picture, to be able to put yourself into another’s shoes, and to maintain a level state of consciousness. I have been able to work towards with the help of my