Misrepresenting Reality In Arthur Miller's Death Of A Salesman

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Misrepresenting reality can have serious consequences ‘Reality is defined as the state of things as they exist, opposed to the idealistic or notional idea of them’ and is that which remains unchanged through eternity like no other. The idea of indulging oneself in a world of unreal, euphoric fantasies is often an excuse to escape the harsh, daunting nature of reality in this world. More often than not, we skew our lenses and limit our perceptions to that which is beautiful and enthralling to us. We create small, magical worlds of our own that only exhibit the bright, enchanting facets of human life. As we mesmerize in this beauty, we become oblivious to the harsh realities which would have otherwise been recognisable. Creating such a barrier
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When we are challenged by the dark, sombre facets of reality, we cringe, only to entangle ourselves back into the labyrinth of our trivial illusions. This idea is epitomized in the film, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller by the character of Willy Loman, who constantly denies the harsh, objective reality is blinded by his own irrational, superficial desires that he believes will take him to the highest happiness. Ostentatious and ambitious as he is, Willy uses his sons, Biff and Happy, as tools to bring him success in society by compelling them to take on ‘big’ businesses despite their disinterest. Willy Loman is portrayed to take extraordinary measures to any extent in order to quench his burning desire of becoming the ‘greatest’, ‘biggest’ man in history. His inner contempt and inability to accept his identity, forces him to take on such an ambitious and delusional character that is often so, looked down upon by his fellows. Biff constantly discards Willy’s conditional affection and finally, expresses his disinterest towards fulfilling his father’s ambitions. This leaves Willy Loman rather vexed and dissatisfied at his life’s condition and finally decides to shut himself from both, the daunting reality of his fate and from the world of hysterical, yet distorted perceptions. This misery leads to the death of a discontented, unhappy

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