“On average, college educated African-American women annually earn $19,054 less than college educated white men. Also, on average, a woman with a Master’s degree makes $4,765 less than a man with an undergraduate degree.” There is no reason for someone who has the same credentials to be making less, especially if it 's just because of their race or sex. Especially if the disparity between the incomes are thousands of dollars. It says that on average that they make thousands less, which means that some people even make less which makes the disparity the amount between poverty of not and whether they can comfortably provide for their family or not. (civil rights.org, americans a fair chance). The ongoing discrimination that is going on disables minorities from being treated equally. “In 2008, a nontrivial proportion of whites nationwide, 28%, still support an individual homeowner’s right to discriminate on the basis of race when selling a home, and even nearly 1 in 4 highly educated Northern whites adopt this position.” (Journalisticresource.org) In 1996, California voters passed Prop 209, a ban on affirmative action. People saw black and Hispanic enrollment in colleges in California dropped significantly. But minority enrollment increased because of new outreach programs. Enrollment has not gotten back to what it was during affirmative action. (Nytimes06) this happens in other states that ban affirmative action. But sadly still 97 percent of corporate senior executives in the United States are white. Only 5 percent of all professionals are black and Hispanics hold only 4 percent of white-collar jobs.
“On average, college educated African-American women annually earn $19,054 less than college educated white men. Also, on average, a woman with a Master’s degree makes $4,765 less than a man with an undergraduate degree.” There is no reason for someone who has the same credentials to be making less, especially if it 's just because of their race or sex. Especially if the disparity between the incomes are thousands of dollars. It says that on average that they make thousands less, which means that some people even make less which makes the disparity the amount between poverty of not and whether they can comfortably provide for their family or not. (civil rights.org, americans a fair chance). The ongoing discrimination that is going on disables minorities from being treated equally. “In 2008, a nontrivial proportion of whites nationwide, 28%, still support an individual homeowner’s right to discriminate on the basis of race when selling a home, and even nearly 1 in 4 highly educated Northern whites adopt this position.” (Journalisticresource.org) In 1996, California voters passed Prop 209, a ban on affirmative action. People saw black and Hispanic enrollment in colleges in California dropped significantly. But minority enrollment increased because of new outreach programs. Enrollment has not gotten back to what it was during affirmative action. (Nytimes06) this happens in other states that ban affirmative action. But sadly still 97 percent of corporate senior executives in the United States are white. Only 5 percent of all professionals are black and Hispanics hold only 4 percent of white-collar jobs.