Some providers may hold off on billing you if they know you are in the middle of working out an insurance settlement. If you pay out of pocket for some expenses, you may be able to have those costs reimbursed by insurance. If you need help finding out what insurance policies will cover your injuries or if the insurance companies involved aren’t paying your bills, contact a personal injury attorney for help. A skilled personal injury attorney will have experience standing up to big insurance companies, proving liability and following up to make sure they pay your bills and on time. If you have continuing medical bills and you have no more PIP coverage, getting your bills paid is a matter of making a demand for an amount of money that will reflect the cost of your medical treatment, past and future. The sum can also include lost wages and money for pain and suffering. This is a complex process and you will have the best chance at getting the most compensation possible with a personal injury attorney. You may have to file a lawsuit against the person who was at fault to get their insurance to pay. You have two years from the date of the accident to file a …show more content…
If you or a loved one have been in an accident and need help getting your medical bills paid, Ryan Bisher Ryan Phillips & Simons are here to help you. Our skilled personal injury attorneys have over 30 years experience helping people across Oklahoma who have been in auto-accidents recover their costs and get full compensation. Based in Oklahoma City, Ryan Bisher Ryan Phillips & Simons serves all of Oklahoma, Tulsa and Cleveland County. Contact our office today for a free consultation. You can fill out our online form or call us at 405-528-4567 or toll-free at