The ninety-five these was an outrageous evaluation of the church’s sale of indulgences that explained the fundamentals of justification. Luther decided to send them to the archbishop and asked him to end the sale of indulgence. The Archbishop was aggrieved by this and felt like Luther was trying to attack the papal authority. A year later at a meeting, Luther was more precise about what he wanted. After the meeting he was asked to renounce his positions, Luther did not want to give up his opinion. In 1519, while he continued to lecture and write in Wittenberg, he joined another debate over indulgences. At that moment the pop had enough of and threatened to excommunicate him. On December 10th he received the letter for excommunication, and he was officially excommunicated in
The ninety-five these was an outrageous evaluation of the church’s sale of indulgences that explained the fundamentals of justification. Luther decided to send them to the archbishop and asked him to end the sale of indulgence. The Archbishop was aggrieved by this and felt like Luther was trying to attack the papal authority. A year later at a meeting, Luther was more precise about what he wanted. After the meeting he was asked to renounce his positions, Luther did not want to give up his opinion. In 1519, while he continued to lecture and write in Wittenberg, he joined another debate over indulgences. At that moment the pop had enough of and threatened to excommunicate him. On December 10th he received the letter for excommunication, and he was officially excommunicated in